Friday, October 30, 2009

Strwberry chclate cake..

Boleh tempah lau berminat….Hehe bak kata aten,kek ni sedap sebab dibuat dgn hati yg ikhlas..erm konpius~sedap ker?~ or diorang saje nak amek hati aku..

Decoration strawberry yg memang lgsung xkreatif (last minute plan actually) 2 diimport khas dr ngara Cameron Highlands.Thankz kpd penyumbang..Dunno you notice @ not bout that..

Pg 2 berhempas pulas wak kek ni dgn dijad,dhiey n aten dlm keadaan yg serba kekurangan….
V modify the original recipe to be our own secret recipe,w'pom x sesedap n x seeklusif choclate indlgnce kgmaranku from secret recipe..Act aku xmkn pon kek 2..Hak3 yg lbh 2 semua bg kat bob memandangkn wafiey n nudin lmbat join ktowg bcoz of emrgncy case..Dunno wut happen to this cake after that…maybe in the dustbin..huhu..

C u in the next post..
Ingat Allah selalu...

1 comment:

  1. perrrgh sedap jh nmpk..
    err sapo yg export strwberi 2??


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BOrN to FoLLow All His Orders aNd His Messenger....a Da'ie,a DaughtEr,a siStEr,a friend,a StUdent and a muslimah doctor to-be insyaAllah... aS loNg As My hEart Is StILL wOrKinG,I hAvE tO cONtINuE mY lIfE... tHe VaRIETIeS oF lIfE ArOuND mE kEEp TellinG mE tHat "u're so LucKy" AnyHow,WutEvER hAppEN,BE gRaTeful!!! Dear visitor, you can take anything from this blog that can benefit you and others, and of course, for Islam. May it be our 'saham akhirat'... TrYinG to inSpire PeOplE by InsPiRing peoplE Around Me.. AfTer aLL,notHinG is iMpoSSiblE for A WillinG heArt.. Smile =) it's sunnah.