Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Salam 1 Islam...
Alhamdulillah..I don't know why I feel the tremor,tachycardia..Maybe it's because of coffee that I drank just now. But to be honest I can just say that maybe it's because of someone that I miss so much..Really? I miss him? I don't know where is the truth.. But to be fair,I want to say that that's true. The rest is history. Currently doing my master in domestic engineering. A very tough course,I guess.
Currently trying to finish Fiqh Sirah1...

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BOrN to FoLLow All His Orders aNd His Messenger....a Da'ie,a DaughtEr,a siStEr,a friend,a StUdent and a muslimah doctor to-be insyaAllah... aS loNg As My hEart Is StILL wOrKinG,I hAvE tO cONtINuE mY lIfE... tHe VaRIETIeS oF lIfE ArOuND mE kEEp TellinG mE tHat "u're so LucKy" AnyHow,WutEvER hAppEN,BE gRaTeful!!! Dear visitor, you can take anything from this blog that can benefit you and others, and of course, for Islam. May it be our 'saham akhirat'... TrYinG to inSpire PeOplE by InsPiRing peoplE Around Me.. AfTer aLL,notHinG is iMpoSSiblE for A WillinG heArt.. Smile =) it's sunnah.