Monday, December 7, 2009

1st day 2nd sem...

~thinking of writing something on my first day of 2nd sem~
wut happen??
Let me list down>>>>
~going 2 campus without any feeling..
~got 4 lectures 2day with the straight 2hours lctures for physio in the afternoon>really sleepy
~everybody talked about results,results n results...{me??...let them be...failure is common..}
~dunno wut happen 2 my upper & lower muscles are in trouble..even right now..
~1 msg received:"jmpe kt klas sy pkul 10.30a.m">>dah nk kna start keje ke..??huhu
~the next msg:"ptang ni ad briefing n ltihan bola jaring">>ala muscles tngah skit caner nak maen... dh la bdan xsehat
~my lunch 4 2day??>a piece of potato sad.if i'm at home>>"alah,makan nasi"{rindu msakan ma}
~at the library>>jannah came and told me that the assembly was cancelled..{me..should b hepy @ frust?huhu..}
~go back n sleep...

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BOrN to FoLLow All His Orders aNd His Messenger....a Da'ie,a DaughtEr,a siStEr,a friend,a StUdent and a muslimah doctor to-be insyaAllah... aS loNg As My hEart Is StILL wOrKinG,I hAvE tO cONtINuE mY lIfE... tHe VaRIETIeS oF lIfE ArOuND mE kEEp TellinG mE tHat "u're so LucKy" AnyHow,WutEvER hAppEN,BE gRaTeful!!! Dear visitor, you can take anything from this blog that can benefit you and others, and of course, for Islam. May it be our 'saham akhirat'... TrYinG to inSpire PeOplE by InsPiRing peoplE Around Me.. AfTer aLL,notHinG is iMpoSSiblE for A WillinG heArt.. Smile =) it's sunnah.