Tuesday, December 15, 2009

my sweet 19th burfday....

1st of all,grateful to Allah,bcoz of Him,i'm still here to continue my life journey...
1'm now a 19 years old girl,a daughter to ma & papa...Still a teenager,and my beloved kazen ask me to enjoy the last teens!!!Thank u to ma & papa..becoz of u,with the bless of Allah(insyaAllah),i'm growing to be a human...

Lpas kol 12 pg berduyun-duyun sms msuk datangnyer dri seluruh pelosok negeri menyatakan keprihatinan mereka terhadap mningkatnye usiaku....huhu..
thank you to all my frenz and family yg wish burfday and praying 4 my longevity..Thankz 4 da care,love and remembrance...love u all..

Dis morning,started with thirah..a cute frog.thank u thirah...then gu bg a bit of oat crunch,syeera bg drinking water tkut tercekik lak...then minum pg,sponsored by radhy..For lunch,angah treated me chicken chop from kyros kebab...And minum ptg,celebrate bezday kt secret recipe,having classic cheese...Treated by aten....Yg pling best tyme jlan blik ke kmpus tuk naek bas...hujan lebat giler & kitorang bsah kuyup mcam bdak2 yg bru lpas graduate tadika..comey sngat espcially tan..!dats the most sweet memory on my 19th burfday...4 my dinner,Along bought me my favourite kuew tiaw goreng and jannah bought me pita kebab from pasar mlam...My tummy was so full today with free food("')...After finishing the kebab and kuew tiaw goreng terus tido dpan tv....Bgun2 ani ckap my best fren bg kek scret recipe,kfc and beverage...Thank u so much....I thought u had 4gotten my turning point...Thanks also to kaiy 4 the sweet present..

I luv u my frenz!uhibbukum fillah...Hepy sgat jd burfday girl...hehe..

~to zue,hepy 20th besday...

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BOrN to FoLLow All His Orders aNd His Messenger....a Da'ie,a DaughtEr,a siStEr,a friend,a StUdent and a muslimah doctor to-be insyaAllah... aS loNg As My hEart Is StILL wOrKinG,I hAvE tO cONtINuE mY lIfE... tHe VaRIETIeS oF lIfE ArOuND mE kEEp TellinG mE tHat "u're so LucKy" AnyHow,WutEvER hAppEN,BE gRaTeful!!! Dear visitor, you can take anything from this blog that can benefit you and others, and of course, for Islam. May it be our 'saham akhirat'... TrYinG to inSpire PeOplE by InsPiRing peoplE Around Me.. AfTer aLL,notHinG is iMpoSSiblE for A WillinG heArt.. Smile =) it's sunnah.