Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ape khabar bakal2 jenazah?

Salam 1 Islam....
Memulakan ceramahnya dengan sapaan "apa khabar bakal2 jenazah?"....
Agak pelik,tapi itu benar..never cross my mind b4..really attracted to that sentence actually...Make me realise the end of our of short life....Dunia fana yg penuh dengan tipu daya yg melalaikan manusia yg sentiasa turun naik imannya...Astaghfirullahal'azim..
Kita semua adalah bakal2 jenazah...
Credits 2 Us. Firdaus from HKL (JAWI) atas perkongsian ilmu dan pengalaman yg sgt hebat & diharap terkesan di hati kami semua....InsyaAllah..
"Orang yg paling bijak adalah orang yg sentiasa mengingati mati"
-teringat kata2 ustaz,kalo rase hati sangat keras,beli kain kafan letak dalam almari....gud idea act..
~Attracted 2 this book,that make me invest my rm20+- 2 buy this book...

Denyutan Kasih Medik,karya Dr. Farhan Hadi bin Mohd. Taib..
A combination of fiqh perubatan,wanita dan cinta..
A good reference 4 a future muslim docs..Which our job is not juz as a doc,but as a da'i...
Baru mula membace,normally will take months 2 finish reading a novel...
Huhu i'll try my bez 2 finish it ASAP..
~Congratz 2 all my 3rd year seniors...fabulous!!!!
2 those that hv 2 resit paper,dun give up,Allah had arranged the bez 4 us...Bittaufiq Wannajah
GTG,final exam is waiting,but i juz can say dat "Could we postpone it?My mind is not yet prepared 4 it.."
if and only if...
huhu...2 weeks more
Moga tabah...
Salam perjuangan...

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BOrN to FoLLow All His Orders aNd His Messenger....a Da'ie,a DaughtEr,a siStEr,a friend,a StUdent and a muslimah doctor to-be insyaAllah... aS loNg As My hEart Is StILL wOrKinG,I hAvE tO cONtINuE mY lIfE... tHe VaRIETIeS oF lIfE ArOuND mE kEEp TellinG mE tHat "u're so LucKy" AnyHow,WutEvER hAppEN,BE gRaTeful!!! Dear visitor, you can take anything from this blog that can benefit you and others, and of course, for Islam. May it be our 'saham akhirat'... TrYinG to inSpire PeOplE by InsPiRing peoplE Around Me.. AfTer aLL,notHinG is iMpoSSiblE for A WillinG heArt.. Smile =) it's sunnah.